Hair Oil | 100ML | Botonical Hair & Scalp Nourishment

 311 389 Incl of all taxes (-20%)

6 in stock

  • Our Hair Oil is valued for increasing volume and shine, decreasing frizz and breakage, preventing dandruff, and reducing hair fall. Suitable for all hair types, it provides nourishment all year round.
  • Indulge in the transformative power of our hair oil and unlock the secret to beautiful, healthy hair. Perfect for all hair types and safe for daily use, this blend of natural oils and herbs will give your hair the care it truly deserves.
  • At Nithyatvam, we prioritize quality and purity. We use only 100% pure, natural, and undiluted ingredients, free from any additives or synthetic ingredients and artificial fragrances
  • Deep Nourishment: Provides intense hydration and nourishment to your hair and scalp.
  • Strengthens Hair: Reduces hair fall and strengthens hair follicles.
  • Promotes Growth: Encourages healthy hair growth and adds volume.
  • Repairs Damage: Repairs and protects hair from environmental damage.
  • Enhances Shine: Leaves hair looking shiny, smooth, and healthy.
  • Scalp Health: Keeps the scalp clean, healthy, and free from infections and dandruff.

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Hair Oil | 100ML | Botonical Hair & Scalp Nourishment

 311 389 Incl of all taxes (-20%)

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